
Power your business decisions with the latest insights and market research expertise from our team. Check out our articles, case studies and white papers to learn more about the impact of our strategic market research.


In the world of private equity, reliable data is the cornerstone of sound investment decisions. A robust market research methodology can be a critical tool for gathering actionable insights during the due...
The Hidden Costs of Expert Networks
Where does your market intelligence actually come from? And how credible is it? The data and insights that drive your business decisions can come...
Survey design is both an art and a science, with many factors that contribute to a successful study. Learn three of the most common...
Overview: Are specialized providers the right choice? Many companies assume that the best way to analyze different market niches is to work with different...

Case Studies

A top Private Equity group approached Azurite for due diligence research to assess an exam prep software Target. To answer the deal team’s most pressing questions, Azurite surveyed 650 MCAT/LSAT students, conducted...
Azurite’s comprehensive market analysis informs actionable go-to-market strategies. A leading records management company engaged Azurite to conduct a survey assessing market demand to support...
Through market segmentation research, Azurite built and delivered a database of prioritized global prospects. We specifically focused on defining prospects’ server platform usage as...
Azurite built and delivered a database and segmentation of student counts and associated school finances for all U.S. charter and public schools. The dataset...

White Papers

The danger of relying on popular outsource strategies and the benefits of an Integrated Research Partner
Seven rules to capture insight and value from your research supplier


At Risk: The Integrity of Your Research

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