Case Studies

Delivered $300M+ in Sales Pipeline for a Server Software
Azurite built and delivered a prospect database of prioritized global prospects. We specifically focused on defining prospect server platform usage as a key to prioritization.
Through machine learning and propensity modeling, we prioritized top prospects by conversion likelihood and potential value. The resulting segmentation allowed for industry targeting and messaging. The account level insight drove targeted demand generation, sales territory definition, sales targets and the overall outbound strategy for sales & marketing.

Delivered data for a $500M+ Deal in Online Education Software
Azurite built and delivered a database and segmentation of student counts and associated school finances for all U.S. charter and public schools
The dataset didn’t exist anywhere else and allowed our client to quantify the deal target’s exact market share, penetration and total addressable market size. The bottom-up dataset exposed a major gap in the market – which allowed our client to underwrite the growth opportunity with significant upside potential.

$200M+ Deal in Automotive Maintenance
Azurite designed and deployed a business survey focused on growth, brand equity and purchase decision making. We identified and recruited more than 175 dent repair technicians using Azurite’s proprietary methodology – data was delivered in less than 2 weeks. Azurite then conducted 20x 1 hour follow up interviews, to deep dive on qualitative industry dynamics
The private equity client credits Azurite’s unique data with their ability to lean-in and successfully transact.

$350M+ Deal in Online Training & Education Platforms
Azurite designed and deployed a business survey focused on product performance, brand differentiation and purchase decision making. We identified and recruited more than 350 cloud platform learning system decision makers using Azurite’s proprietary methodology – data was delivered in less than 10 days.
The private equity client credits Azurite’s unique data with their ability to lean-in and successfully transact.